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Week 0

  • Our Example Game: Some advice that we received from many game engine developers was to target our engine at a specific game, so we designed and implemented a game in the Unreal engine that we could try to build in our own engine as our goal.

Week 7

  • Our First Game: Seven weeks after starting, we finally developed a game with our engine in an entirely different Visual Studio project than our game engine's! We discovered a lot about how to use a DLL, the importance of header files, and the asset pipeline of our engine and Horde3D. But most importantly, we found many bugs, including several on our Entity and Transform classes.

Week 9

Week 10

  • Our Second Game: Our first game was a simple twin stick shooter, so we wanted our second game to be a departure from that. We wanted to leverage our networking features including NetworkTransform along with some UI elements. Again, we found that developing a game in the engine reveals all of the bugs—especially fundamental ones!

Week 11

Week 13

Relevant Interviews

Jeet Shroff and Florian Strauss

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Jason Gregory


Build games as soon and as often as you possibly can. And if you can't do a "game" yet, then do something that you would be proud of as a starting programmers like a moving cube! We initially thought that we would just focus on engine development with some tech demos here and there, but games ended up being the stars during our development. Games test engine features in their natural environment against correct use cases and, most importantly, with other engine features! Games will reveal more bugs in your engine than tech demos will. Don't get us wrong, tech demos will prove whether or not your feature is working correctly, but games evoke a usage of your engine that just happens to break it a lot.

Thankfully, our team had a lot of game engine programmers tell us from the get-go that we should be building games with our engine. We initially thought that they were just being overzealous with game development, but as it turns out, they were just being wiser than us. A good way to look at it is this: If you want your car to be safe and effective to drive on the road, would you want it to only be driven in the small testing course in the manufacturing building?

At least at the start, target your engine at a specific game. Do not try to build a generic engine from the get-go. When beginning to plan out our engine, we didn't weigh what we wanted to make with it very seriously because, if we're honest, a lot of different genres of games share most of their tech. But again, thanks to the wisdom of professionals, we were taught that what tech is used is different from how that tech is used. Having a target game (or, at the very least, genre) lets you create tests, demos, and other features that coalesce more easily, and it also makes features a lot easier to cull from your engine when you have a deadline.

We started our development with a target game in mind, and it allowed us to refer back to a "ground truth" whenever we were implementing features. That ground truth was rarely where we ended development, though, but because we had that target, we could appropriately determine when we needed to focus on the target game's features and when we could expand upon existing features. This ended in a more feature-full engine than we anticipated having at the beginning, which is pretty contradictory to the action of targeting a single game for development!

More things to know:

  • The genre that your engine is targeting isn't that important. It can help you narrow down the systems that you believe your engine needs, but the features will be better dictated by a specific game.
  • Tech demos will effectively reproduce bugs, help you resolve them, and keep you from regressing any features, so leverage that whenever you run into bugs that deserve the investment.
  • Hold onto past tech demo and game code as reference of how you want people to use your engine. Half of the battle of a game engine is its API and learnability, and you've got perfect examples right at your fingertips!