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Welcome to Isetta Engine

We built a game engine in 3 months. Is that crazy? We've been told so. But there's no way to learn like being pushed straight into the deep end!

We are a student project from Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. The aim of the project is to help demystify the game engine development process for ourselves and any other novice developers who have interest in engine development but like us were too intimidated of where to start.

What is There to See?

The Engine

We made a game engine! It's called the Isetta Engine, and we did it to learn about game engine development. The Isetta Engine is open-sourced here for anyone to see and criticize!

The Compendium

We documented our whole development process and compiled what we learned on this website. The best place to look for something specific about engine development is our compendium.

The Blogs

If you want to read our week-by-week progress, you can start at Week 0 in our weekly blog.

The Interviews

We interviewed industry professionals as part of the project, and you can find all of those interviews publically hosted on our website! We also have a book published, if you're interested in getting a physical or PDF version of these interviews.

The Developers

If you're interested in using our engine (we appreciate your curiosity!), you can find our starter documentation on our website as well.

The Documentary

We made a short documentary, too! It covers our journey as developers from more of the human side, and it was made by our producer and resident creative, Jared. Here's a trailer:

The full documentary can be seen on our YouTube page.

Isetta Timeline